With a three-fourth's majority the Emperor's reorganization of Sector Control has passed. The Emperor will now appoint Moffs to oversee all operations within each Sector of the Republic. The Moff will have military control over the Sector Fleet and will report to the Emperor's staff. The Moff will also have the power to disband and remove seditious government's within his sector in order to ensure peace.
Sate Pestage, Chancellor of the Senate, has praised the Emperor's move and ensures that while Moffs may not be democratically elected the citizens of the Empire will still have senatorial representation to deal with their grievances.
Mon Mothma, the Senator from Chandrila, led the Coalition opposing ratification. They feel the move consolidates far too much military and political power into the hands of a few appointed beings. They also stated that the Moffs should be accountable to the Senate as well as the Emperor.
Sate Pestage responds: "The Emperor has proven himself trustworthy to the people of the Republic and this power will not be abused. We feel this new organization will prevent catastrophes such as the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo where the Senate is not able to move as quickly as a single individual."