Entertainment: New Holovid: Sordid Secrets of the Jedi

Watch the final hours of the Jedi as they plot the murder of the Supreme Chancellor with head of the Jedi Council Yoda played by gungan Yar-Nal Biggers. Watch as he plots the decimation of all that is good and decent:

"Meesa gonna take over the Republic."
"Yousa gonna slay the Chancellor."
"Fear leadsa to Suffering. Meesa gonna put much fear in yousa."

With epic lightsaber battles we portray the fall of the Jedi Temple as the Imperial troops rush against time to save the young untrained Jedi from being murdered by their masters to prevent their rescue. Delve into the secrets of the occult. Can a cult of this much power be brought down? Yes, you know it happened. Now find out how.

See it now.