The Imperial Navy managed to track down a seditious fleet of vessels assembled from various local navies. Imperial Intelligence revealed that they planned to launch a coup to subjugate several sectors and rule them as a military dictatorship. We had the opportunity to interview Admiral Gilder Varth who orchestrated the engagement.
HGN: Admiral, what led to your being able to find and neutralize this threat? Months ago you were reported to be a traitor and arrested.
Varth: Some time ago Imperial Intelligence discovered that there was a plot to stage a coup by several worlds within the Empire. I sent information to some of the known dissidents and then staged a mock imprisonment with the hopes that they would 'rescue' me. I fed them false information until they assembled their fleet. Then I made my move and an Imperial Interdictor trapped them along with a fleet including our newest Star Destroyers. We destroyed over three-quarters of their fleet and the stragglers have been cut off.
HGN: What did the Empire do to neutralize the larger threat?
Varth: Knowing what worlds were rebellious we took steps to protect the people from their leaders. Chandrila and several of the other players have all been toppled and Imperial governors given total superiority over the local political system. Alderaan agreed to dismantle all of their military operations in lieu of occupation but their governor has also been given much broader powers.
HGN: What can you tell us about the battle itself?
Varth: Superior naval doctrine, training, and equipment won the day. The opposing fleet was made up largely of obsolescent ships. Still, I do not want to understate the dangers that a rogue group with capital-scale weaponry can do. The Empire is looking into further restricting who is allowed to own and operate such vessels. We are also continuing the expansion of the Imperial Navy. It is this kind of activity that makes it obvious that a strong military is needed now more then ever.
HGN: The Senate's response has been mixed. Mon Mothma has spoken out against these actions, demanding hard evidence of the fleet's nefarious intent. Your thoughts?
Varth: My testimony is on the record. They had nefarious intent. I find it very suspicious that some factions in the Senate would take the word of convicted traitors over the word of our Intelligence services and my own testimony.
HGN: Thank you Admiral. The Empire is still investigating these incidents and has not ruled out the possibility of further arrests. While the Empire has not released information on those captured in the battle several factions in the Senate have united behind the idea that any future arrests would be required to have their case heard in a public trial.