Society: Opening of New Luxury Repulsortrain

The galactic celebrity Alya Aldrete of Alderaan recently completed her new luxury repulsortrain service connecting the major cities of Alderaan. Filled with all of the latest in conveniences and luxury accomodations the grand opening is considered likely to be the event of the year. While she has banned media involvement with the actual maiden voyage we have learned that dignitaries and celebrities have been invited to the grand opening party.

Many are clamoring for tickets and there are speculations about undercover reporters sneaking aboard or even assassins trying to take someone out tied to the recently suppressed insurrection. When asked about this Lady Aldrete laughed, "With the security screenings we have in place, no cameras are getting smuggled in. With the exception of the bodyguards of Imperial dignitaries there will be no weapons allowed either. Even if someone did get a camera aboard my engineers tell me the ionic rails we use will block out all communications. No one is going to spoil the privacy of this party and it is going to be the best party I've ever thrown." She then blew a kiss to the camera and left the scene.